September 25, 2008

Jesse M. Thomson

Our family line continues through the youngest child, Jesse M. Thomson (b. November 1, 1842 in Greensburg, Indiana; d. 1919, Greensburg, IN.).   He married Annie Phillips (b. August 6, 1844 in Paris, Kentucky; d. 1930)  They made their home in Greensburg, Indiana and were the parents of three children: Frank Milton, Myrta Hall and Orion Kemper (Dr. O.K. Thomson) pictured at right.
Jesse Thomson was a partner in Thomson and Corbett, general hardware dealers in Greensburg.  This was the largest store of its kind in the area and sold farm implements up and down the Ohio River.  He was also clerk of Decatur County and later Court Crier of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati.  He was buried in Greensburg in 1919, and his wife was laid to rest beside him in 1930.

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